Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Healthy Living 2019

        Research statistics with regards to goal setting reveal certain interesting pieces of information. Only 3 adults out of 100 write down their goals, and 92% of New Year goals fail by January 15th. Most Americans thoughts, ideas or goals involve being healthier. Most people think of being healthier in terms of physical health- eating better, exercising more, drinking more water or getting more sleep. 

          But health is more than just physical health. Mental health is also a part of healthy living. Some areas to work on might be stress reduction, being honest about your emotions, replacing lights in your house with grow lights if you find winter is hard on you, or finding ways to add joy to your life.

        Social health is how you connect with your world. Some areas to work on here might be looking for your dream job or taking extra trainings if you love your job, track down an old friend, save a little more for your retirement, take a class for fun with your spouse,  or practice random acts of kindness. 

        Spiritual Health is the fourth form of health. This is where you get your sense of peace in times of trouble and your attitude toward the end of your life. Praying, studying your faith, and practicing forgiveness are all ways to live spiritually healthier lives. 

Which of these areas do you feel like working on, It not necessary that you tackle them all, but that you are thinking about how to live a completely healthy life. I would love to hear what you want to work on, especially if you have an idea I haven't listed here. 

Let's all shoot for a healthier 2019!

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